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Gangsta knit!

October 29, 2016

I suspect that I'm now too old and uncool to ever be gangsta, but I truly believe I'll never be too old to try something new.

When I was offered the opportunity to play with a new Wool and the Gang yarn called Take Care Mohair, I jumped at the chance. As you'll know if you know me and my work, I have a long running love affair with mohair and regularly use it, although I haven't had that much experience of the various brands of mohairs out there – I do tend to stick with a brand I know and trust, which is why I'm not really very gangsta like the Wool and the Gang knitty dudes…

Having selected the very pretty Blue Chalk colourway, I very quickly received my parcel.  Don't you love their packaging?  The potty kits very quickly jumped on board – literally 😀

The yarn is pretty nice too!

When I first handled it, I thought that this yarn was going to be trouble – it is very fluffy.  I immediately started having flashbacks to my worst ever mohair frogging experiences (there have been a few…) and decided that whatever I made with this stuff, I had to make sure I was concentrating hard to avoid mistakes I might have to unpick!  

I also decided that investing a bit of yarn into a few swatches would be worthwhile so that I could see how it behaved when knit up at various gauges, so I set to with some 6mm needles.  The result was quite a dense fabric – denser than I'd expected to be honest.  I then decided to have a laugh and try to frog the swatch – imagine my surprise when it ripped back really easily – probably more easily than any other mohair I've used!  I did treat it gently, as I would with any hairy yarn, but it behaved beautifully.

The next swatch I knit was with 10mm needles and this was much airier.  I've knit my 3 Rib Cowl with several different types of yarn and at various tensions, so I decided that would be the perfect one to try out this yarn with, as I was also confident that I'd have plenty of yarn to knit a decent sized version.  I started with 96 stitches and worked to the standard pattern until I'd used about one and a half skeins – you can find full details here. What I got was a pretty big and floppy cowl that permanently looks like it's in soft focus 😀

In fact, it's so large that you can wrap it around your neck a couple of times, if you want to be extra cosy:

I reckon that Take Care Mohair would be a great choice for anyone who loves to knit chunky and wants to try out mohair for the first time, given its relatively good manners on frogging.  You can find a free scarf pattern on Wool and the Gang's website, or you could have a go at my 3 Rib Cowl pattern with it too, which is free on Ravelry. I think I might try it again with the yarn I have left over with slightly smaller needles and see how that one looks.

You can sign up to Wool and the Gang's newsletter here to hear about their yarns, kits and patterns.


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